
Complete Chaos – a journey through a mangled mind

If you are looking for the end of the rainbow, where all is well with the world, you made a wrong turn somewhere between fantasy forest and idealist island.

I Remember When I Believed In The Dream

By MICHAEL FAIRLIE // Back when I was a young lad, I believed the bill of sale that was being sold to me, to all of us. America is the best country in the world and you can be anything... Continue Reading →

The World Is My Garbage Dump

By MICHAEL FAIRLIE // Can someone explain to me how, in 2016, people are still dumping their garbage wherever they see fit? How has the collective consciousness not evolved to the point where humans realize that earth is not their... Continue Reading →

It Could Always Be Worse

By MICHAEL FAIRLIE // "It could always be worse" is a phrase that I do not hold in high regard, to put it lightly. I understand its purpose in that it aspires to urge people, who have fallen on hard... Continue Reading →

Life Of Luxury

By MICHAEL FAIRLIE // Who knew, that when I moved into my first "luxury apartment," I would be surrounded by such high-quality people? It is truly the salt of the earth that I am connected to in this vivacious little village. If... Continue Reading →

Welcome To Complete Chaos

By MICHAEL FAIRLIE // I know that I am not the first person in the world to comment unfavorably on the absurdities of the human race, and I most certainly will not be the last. That said, there are some... Continue Reading →

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